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Valuable resources I encourage you to use

DFG Code of Conduct

DFG "Good Research Practice" 

The Code of Conduct published by the German Research Foundation

This document outlines the fundamental principles and standards of good research practice. These guidelines underline the importance of integrity in the everyday practice of research and provide researchers with a reliable reference how to embed good research practice as an established and binding aspect of their work. I remind my students that the DFG provides most of the findings for my group, and I insist that everyone gets acquainted with these guidelines and adheres to the rules published by the DFG.

Reference: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. (2022). Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice. Code of Conduct.

Research Intergity Portal (link)


Video-recording: Lectures biol131
"Fundamentals of Developmental Biology"/
"Grundlagen der Entwicklungsbiologie:Tier"

Lecture #1 Introduction / Vorlesung #1: Einführung in der Entwicklungsbiologie

21 October 2024; click on the button to download

Lecture #2 Ab ovo:Gametogenesis / Vorlesung #2: Gametogenese

28 October 2024; click on the button to download

Lecture #3 Genes and Development/ Vorlesung #3: Gene und Entwicklung

04 November 2024; click on the button to download

Lecture #4 Morphogenesis/ Vorlesung #4: Morphogenese

11 November 2024; click on the button to download

Lecture #5 Drosophila development/ Vorlesung #5: Drosophila Entwicklung

18 November 2024; click on the button to download

Lecture #6 Limb development/ Vorlesung #6: Extremitätenentwicklung

25 November 2024; click on the button to download

Lecture #7 Nerve system development/ Vorlesung #7: Nervensystementwicklung

02 December 2024; click on the button to download


Lecture #8 Mid-term Review / Vorlesung #8: Repetitorium

09 December 2024; click on the button to download


Lecture #9 Stem cells / Vorlesung #9: Stammzellen

16 December 2024; click on the button to download


Lecture #10 Evolution: Modification/ Vorlesung #10: Evolution: Modifikation

06 January 2025; click on the button to download


Lecture #11 Evolution: Innovation / Vorlesung #11: Evolution: Innovation

13 January 2025; click on the button to download


Lecture #12 EcoEvoDevo / Vorlesung #12: EcoEvoDevo

20 January 2025; click on the button to download


Lecture #13 EvoDevoEcoNeuro / Vorlesung #13: EvoDevoEcoNeuro: Eigiene Forschung

27 January 2025; click on the button to download

Courses: Courses

©2024 by Alexander Klimovich, PhD

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