My research is supported by the following funding agencies. I greatly appreciate this support.
Grant from German Research Foundation (DFG)
Project: Uncovering the role of taxonomically restricted genes in the basal metazoan Hydra;
Budget 251.700 EUR
2022 - 2023
PI in Collaborative Research Center SFB1461 “Neurotronics: Bio-Inspired Information Pathways” supported by the German Research Foundation;
Project: Formation of structured neural circuits in hydra and computational models;
Budget 550.200 EUR
2021 - 2024
Grant from Wallenberg Advanced Bioinformatics Infrastructure at SciLifeLab (Sweden)
Joint project with Prof. Igor Adameyko (Medical University Vienna/Karolinska Institute):
Origin and heterogeneity of the most primitive nervous system
2016 - 2018
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers (Germany)
Project: Investigation of the interstitial stem cell niche in Hydra;
Budget 30.000 EUR
2012 - 2014
Grant from Federal Program "Research and academic personnel for innovative Russia" Project: Characterization of Tamm-Horsfall protein for urolithiasis risk assessment; Development of diagnostic assays for diagnostics and prophylaxis of the urolithiasis;
Budget equivalent to ca. 30.000 EUR
2012 - 2013
Grants from Russian Foundation for Basic Research
Joint project with Dr. Alexander Gorbushin (IEPhB RAS, St.-Petersburg, Russia): Immunobiological mechanisms of host-parasite interactions: comprehensive analysis of the system mollusk-trematode
2004 - 2010