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The microbiota affects stem cell decision making in Hydra

He J, Klimovich A, Kock S, Dahmke L, Franzenburg S, Bosch TCG.

bioRxiv 2024; 08.20.608462.


A functional network model for body column neural connectivity in Hydra

Braun W, Jenderny S, Giez C, Pavleska D, Klimovich A, Bosch TCG, Ochs K, Hövel P, Hilgetag CC

bioRxiv 2024; 06.25.60056.

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Multiple neuronal populations control the eating behavior in Hydra and are responsive to microbial signals

Giez C, Pinkle D, Giencke Y, Wittlieb J, Herbst E, Spratte T, Lachnit T, Klimovich A, Selhuber-Unkel C, Bosch TCG. 

Current Biology 2023; 33:1-16.

Novel technologies uncover novel "anti"-microbial peptides in Hydra shaping the species-specific microbiome

Klimovich A and Bosch TCG. 

Phil Transact B 2024, 379: 20230058.

Spontaneous body wall contractions stabilize the fluid microenvironment that shapes host-microbe associations

Nawroth JC, Giez C, Klimovich A, Kanso E, Bosch TCG. 

eLife 2023; 12:e83637


Spontaneously occurring tumors in different wild-derived strains of hydra

Boutry J, Buysse M, Tissot S, ..., Ujvari B, Giraudeau M, Klimovich A, Thomas F, Tökölyi J.

Scientific Reports 2023; 13:7449

The role of DNA methylation in genome defense in Cnidaria and other invertebrates

Ying H, Hayward DC, Klimovich A, ..., Miller DJ.

Molecular Biology and Evolution 2022; 39(2):msac018

Tumors (re)shape biotic interactions within ecosystems: Experimental evidence from the freshwater cnidarian Hydra

Boutry J, Mistral J, Berlioz L, Klimovich A, ..., Thomas F. 

Science of the Total Environment 2022; 803:149923

Neurons interact with the microbiome: an evolutionary-informed perspective

Giez C, Klimovich A, Bosch TCG

Neuroforum 2021; 27 (2):89-98

Prototypical pacemaker neurons interact with the resident microbiota

Klimovich A@, Giacomello S, Björklund Å, Faure L, Kaucka M, Giez C, Murillo-Rincon AP, Matt A-S,

Willoweit-Ohl D, Crupi G, de Anda J, Wong GCL, D’Amato M, Adameyko I, Bosch TCG

PNAS 2020; 117 (30):178954-17863

Featured in: Linking neurons to immunity: Lessons from Hydra. Obata Y. and Pachnis V.

PNAS 2020; 117 (33):19624-19626


Ancestral roles of atypical cadherins in planar cell polarity

Brooun M, Klimovich A, Bashkurov M, Pearson BJ, Steele RE, McNeill H

PNAS 2020; 117 (32):19310-1932

Dynamic interactions within the host-associated microbiota cause tumor formation in the basal metazoan Hydra

Rathje K, Mortzfeld B, Hoeppner M, Bosch T, Klimovich A@

PLoS Pathog 2020; 16(3): e1008375

Transgenesis in Hydra to characterize gene function and visualize cell behavior

Klimovich A@, Wittlieb J, Bosch TCG

Nat Protoc 2019; 14:2069-2090

Temperature and insulin signaling regulate body size in Hydra by the Wnt and TGF-beta pathways

Mortzfeld B, Taubenheim J, Klimovich A, Fraune S, Rosenstiel P, Bosch TCG

Nat Comm 2019; 10(1):3257

Apoptosis in Hydra: function of HyBcl-2 like 4 and proteins of the transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif (TMBIM) containing family

Motamedi M, Lindenthal L, Wagner A, Kemper M, Moneer J, Steichele M, Klimovich A, Wittlieb J, Jenewein M, Böttger A. Int J Dev Biol 2019; 63: 259-270

Klimovich A@, Bosch TCG

BioEssays 2018; 40(9):1800060

Rethinking the role of the nervous system: Lessons from the Hydra holobiont

Non-senescent Hydra tolerates severe disturbances in the nuclear lamina

Klimovich A@, Rehm A, Wittlieb J, Herbst E-M, Benavente R, Bosch TCG

Aging (Albany NY) 2018; 10(5): 951

Mortzfeld BM, Taubenheim J, Fraune S, Klimovich AV, Bosch TCG

Front Microbiol 2018; 9:629

Stem cell transcription factor FoxO controls microbiome resilience in Hydra

Real time dynamics of β-catenin expression during Hydra development, regeneration and Wnt signalling activation

Iachetta R, Ambrosone A, Klimovich A, Wittlieb J, Onorato G, Candeo A, D’andrea C, Intartaglia D,

Scotti N, Blasio M, Tino A, Bassi A, Tortiglione C. Int J Dev Biol 2018; 62(4-5): 311-318

Murillo-Rincon AP, Klimovich A, Pemöller E, Taubenheim J, Mortzfeld B, Augustin R, Bosch TCG

Sci Rep 2017; 7(1): 15937

Spontaneous body contractions are modulated by the microbiome of Hydra

Back to the basics: Cnidarians start to fire

Bosch T, Klimovich A, Domazet-Lošo T, Gründer S, Holstein TW, Jékely G, Miller DJ, Murillo-Rincon AP, Rentzsch F, Richards GS, Schröder K, Technau U, Yuste R. 

Trends Neurosci 2017; 40(2):92-105

Domazet-Lošo T*, Klimovich A*, Anokhin B, Anton-Erxleben F, Hamm MJ, Lange C, Bosch TCG

Nat Comm 2014; 5:4222

Naturally occurring tumours in the basal metazoan Hydra

Bosch T, Adamska M, Augustin R, Domazet-Lošo T, Foret S, Fraune S, Funayama N, Grasis J, Hamada M, Hatta M, Hobmayer B, Kawai K, Klimovich A, Manuel M, Shinzato C, Technau U, Yum S, Miller DJ

BioEssays 2014; 36(12): 1185-1194

How do environmental factors influence life cycles and development? 

Sommer F, Awazu S, Anton-Erxleben F, Jiang D, Klimovich AV, Klimovich BV, Samoilovich MP, Satou Y, Krüss M, Gelhaus C, Kürn U, Bosch TC, Khalturin K

Mol Biol Evol 2012 Oct;29(10):3081-93

Blood system formation in the urochordate Ciona intestinalis requires the variable receptor vCRL1

Development of immunoreagents for diagnostics of CagA-positive

Helicobacter pylori infections

Klimovich AV, Samoylovich MP, Gryazeva IV, Terekhina LA, Suvorov AN, Klimovich VB

Helicobacter 2010; 15(3):193-200

Book Chapters


Chapter 9: Hydra and the evolution of stem cells

in „Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine”

Klimovich A, Bosch TCG

River Publishers, Eds: Pierre Charbord and Charles Durand; 2021 ; P.207-242

Chapter 5: Hydra and the evolution of stem cells

in „Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine”

Klimovich A, Böhm AM, Bosch TCG

River Publishers, Eds: Pierre Charbord and Charles Durand; 2015 ; P.113-136

Publications : Publications

©2024 by Alexander Klimovich, PhD

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